Mr. Armstrong, in his repsonse, has decided the financial and time commitment to appeal, is not worth the expense. He went on to say that he has passed all drug tests every which way of Sunday and there is nothing to prove, that the evidence against him is circumstantial.
I was always dubious of the use becasue he passed supposedly every test under the sun. I always wondered if there were substances you could take that could "mask".
Heard interview today on ESPN radio with one of Lance's teammates. Wrote a book called, "The Secret Race" by Tyler Hamilton, who argues otherwise.
This guy Tyler Hamilton says that the test results were altered by the doctors. He swears that Lance used.
He was interogated by ESPN. Why now? Now write the book? his answer: after he was supeoned and had to swear under oath, with penalties for perjury, he said "the truth has set him free"
While there is no direct evidence that he used, the USADA stripped him of his medals based on testimony of teammates. Is this fair? Is this just?
What always raised a red flag in my mind was his contracting testicular cancer. This is a very rare cancer that is associated with hormone use. And the (unproven) hypothesis that this could be caused by the lack of circulation to the genital area impeded by long hours on a bicycle seat, well, that's just poppy cock. If this argument had credence, there would be an epidemic/pandemic of testicular cancers among riders. There isn't.
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